The full moon was November 17. In traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice, we take rest on the new and full moon. Many believe that because humans are made mostly of water, we too, are affected by the pull of the moon. The moon’s relative position to the earth creates energetic atmospheres, and the full moon’s energy is characterized by an expansive force which can be powerful and full of emotion, but often lacks the feeling of grounding. These are some observations from the full moon day in Mysore…
I’m full,
Floating against this evening’s pale blue sky.
I’m whole,
my illuminated orb
hangs steady,
moving easy over your horizon.
You take rest.
I am dogs barking:
Huddled in packs on the street’s
red clay corner.
Growling, lips curled above canine teeth
until one’s distracted by your smile,
tail wagging, at peace again.
Then pulled back to the wrestle
with a quick bite, a sharp yip.
I am this little boy’s mischief:
Reflected on his dilated pupils
and the rocks he throws –
like insults beyond his age,
tied to firecrackers,
two weeks past Dwali.
I’ve waxed on this energy,
Your nerves
Pulled up like the tide
against chewed finger nails.
Your creative storm surge:
the volume of your chants,
the ferocity of your smile,
the depth of your tears.